Add New Phases to the Original Database

In addition to modify the parameters for existing phases within the original database, one can also add new phases via the Append TDB function. A new phase AB is introduced in the AB_new phase.tdb, which is described as:

Phase AB % 2 0.5 0.5 !

Constituent AB :A:B:!

Parameter G(AB,A:B;0) 298.15 -10000+6*T; 6000 N !

Load the AB_original.tdb first and then load the AB_new phase.tdb via the Append TDB function. As shown in the TDB Viewer, a new AB phase is introduced.

The calculated phase diagrams using both original database and original + appended databases are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1:  Calculated A-B phase diagram using both original database and original + appended databases with new phase